ISLAND OF LOST HOPE DOCUMENTATION Brought to you by Angel Eyes of Vision Factory ADVENTURING In an adventure game you play the role of a character in a story. You must manipulate the story in such a way that you can continue your quest. This is done by finding certain objects and using them in a particular way for solving puzzles. Carefully chosen actions should allow you to reach your goal or eventually the conclusion of the story. Communication with the story is done by typing in commands that determine what happens next. These commands usually involve an action word or verb such as "Examine", "Get","Drop","Throw" or "Attack" and the object or noun you want to act upon such as "Room","Book","Key","Stone",or"Man". Commands may be more precise than simple two word inputs and may include adjectives and words such as "the". This allows players to type in commands that are more natural and descriptive. The simple commands may not always be enough to tell the program what you exactly want to do. You may have to specify the "object" that you will use to commit this action, as in "Unlock the door with the iron key". You may also need to specify what to do with the object, as in "Throw the coconut into the ocean". Words such as "the","a" and adjectives may be omitted, so "Unlock the wooden door with the iron key" becomes "Unlock door with key". In this case if you possessed more than one key the program would prompt you to pick which type of key "Iron or Silver". Some actions only require one word such as "Look" and "Inventory". If you use "Look" by itself it will print the room description while "Inventory" will give you a list of objects that you are currently carrying. Not all actions have good effects. Some may get you killed, stop you from solving a puzzle, or may do nothing at all. Not all the commands you type will be understood by the program: remember the program isn't a person and can't possibly have that large of vocabulary and under- standing. If you encounter a phrase that isn't understood, act according to the error prompt you receive. If the program doesn't understand a verb then try others that have similar meanings, if those fail then it is reason- able to think that the verb is not used in the story. The program under- stands the most commonly used verbs. To examine something you can use words like "look","search" or "examine" but not "peruse". The program understands quite a few words, but remember the most commonly used words throughout any adventure game will usually be "go","look","drop","get", and "open". If a noun isn't understood then that object isn't in the game or you spelled it wrong. If the sentence isn't understood then try to reword it in a more logical order and simplify it into the format shown above. If you are prompted with an error message like "with what" or "You can't unlock the box with nothing" then retype the command, but remember to include the object with which you wish to perform this action. Always remember to look at everything for clues and use your understanding of how an object may be used, no matter how bizarre, to solve a puzzle. Following is a typical sequence from an adventure game: "You walk down into a room in the basement. Acounter surrounds three walls and on the counter are various objects. An Amiga computer and monitor sit on the middle counter. An exit leads south and stairs lead upward". Examine the computer "On the computer is a switch." Turn on computer "The screen lights up and prompts you to insert a disk." Get disk "The disk is not here." Go South "You go south. You are inside a small messy closet. Garbage is all over the place." Search the garbage "You find a particularly interesting small blue square object." Get the disk "You get the disk." Examine the disk "The label says 'Island of Lost Hope'." North "You go north. A computer surrounds three walls on the counter are various objects. An Amiga computer and monitor sit on the middle counter. An exit leads south and stairs lead upward." Put the disk into the computer "The screen lights up and you sit down to play." This is a fairly simple example, but it is a good starting point for playing an adventure. Expermenting with various words usually has to be done in order to solve a puzzle. LOADING THE PROGRAM 1) Follow normal booting procedure as described in your computer manual. 2) Insert "disk one" at the workbench prompt. 3) After the Intro has played and game has been loaded you will be prompted to insert disk two*. Remove disk one from the internal drive and replace it with disk two. NOTE: You won't have to reinsert disk one again until you finish the game ending animation has to be loaded. *Disk one is copy protected(not anymore haha!)but disk two is not protected. Since you save games to disk two we recommend you make a copy of it and always use the copy to play the game. GETTING STARTED For those with a megabyte(1024k)of memory or more please note that when the second disk begins to load, the graphics file will be loaded into memory. This will increase the intial loading time by about 50 seconds but will greatly enhance the playability and speed of the game. Although we recom- mended extra memory, those with 512k will still get these features. The last few graphics are stored in a ram buffer, so the graphics won't have to be re- loaded every time you move between adjoining areas. If you have at least one and a half megabytes of memory, then as the sounds are loaded they will be stored in a ram. The animators will still load from disk even with extra memory, but they are only played once at specific times in the game. Please leave the second disk inserted in the drive at all times unless otherwise prompted. Those people with the early Amiga 1000 computer systems should note that the program uses extra halfbrite. Although the program works fine on these machines the graphics lose some of their depth. You can contact your local dealer if you want to get your machine upgraded. THE STORY SO FAR... You are a young captain searching for the lost treasure of forgotton souls. unfortunately, in your quet you ran into a band of cutthroat pirates led by the infamous Captain Black. They sink your ship, killing all of your crew and stealing your cargo. You were thrown overboard in the battle and drifted until washed upon a nearby small island. Now you stand there watching the pirate ship, anchored within sight, as they gloat over their victory. All the resources you had at hand are now lost and only your wits will get you out of this alive. The treasure seems so distant now and your only thoughts are on survival and revenge. NUMBER KEYS To move from one area to another you can type in the direction, click on the movement gadget as described above or press the number keys. "8" is north, "4" is west, "6" is east, "2" is south, "5 is down and "0" is up. DELETE AND BACKSPACE Backspace moves the cursor back one space and erases the character at that location. Delete deletes the current character the cursor is on. Like back- space, all the characters after the cursor are moved back one space. If after deleting, two spaces or periods are back to back then one is auto- matically erased. RESTORING/SAVING A GAME The second disk should should always be write-enabled so you can save your games to that disk (use a backup copy). You can get to the store/restore menu by using different methods. Use the F10 key as described in the special keys section, type "save" or "restore" into the text window or press "R" after ending or quitting a game. Ten games can be saved at any one time. labelled 0-9. To restore a game simply click on the saved game or press the corresponding number of the game you wish to restore. To save a game, pick the number you wish to store into(the previous game in that location will be erased). A cursor will appear at the save position, and you will be prompted to type in the name of the game you wish to save. Most of the special keys are disabled when inputting the name of the game, but you can edit the text as usual. Pressing shift with the right of left cursor will now move the cursor to the end or beginning of the line respectively. The up arrow will print the previously saved game name for that position. Press return to save the game or ESC will take you back to the save game menu. WHEN THE GAME IS OVER When you are killed or exit the current game you will be prompted to "Play Again?(Y/R)". Use the right and left cursor keys to highlight your choice and press return, or press the coresponding key. Press "Y" to play again or "R" to restore a saved game. THE SCREEN LAYOUT THE TOP HALF OF THE SCREEN The top half of the screen contains the following: On the left side is a port hole through which a graphic representation of the area you are currently in will be shown. On the right side of the screen is a map which shows your current location represented by a blue sphere. It also shows you all the areas you have visited on this level and the possible exits. In the middle of the screen is a graphic of a skull surrounded by the letters "N E W S U D" (each one represents a direction). Click on the specific letter with the left mouse button, by using the mouse to move the pointer (sword) to that particular letter. The bottom half of the screen will inform you whether or not the move is possible. If you were successful the graphic will change and a new room description will appear. You can also move around by hitting various keys, please read the next sections for more information. THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE SCREEN The bottom half of the screen is the text area. In this area the text that you type will be displayed along with the descriptions, responses and prompts from the game. On the right half of the screen you will see a box labeled "Inventory". All the objects you are currently carrying will be dis- played here. A maximum of six objects can be displayed at once, but by clicking on the up and down arrows you can scroll through your entire inventory. Moving the pointer over the name of the object will highlight the text and then by clicking on that name will perform the following. If your current input is empty then a description of the item will be printed in the text window. Otherwise, if there are enough characters in the line to accomodate the word, the object's name will be inserted at the current cursor position. For example if you had typed "Throw" and clicked on the word "Coconut" then your input would now read "Throw Coconut". A space is added if one is not already there. For a better understanding of how to input your commands read the next section. You can also list the items you hold by typing "Inventory". Instead of using the inventory gadget you may type the object's name. Before you pick up an object you will have no choice but to type in it's name, if a list was displayed of all the objects in the room, it would be too easy to find the items. HOW TO INPUT INTO THE TEXT WINDOW When the cursor appears on an empty line the program is waiting for input. Type whatever commands you want to enter into the program, and they will appear in the window. You can type in upper or lower case, there is no dis- tinction between them. The maximum you can input for any command is 52 letters. When the cursor reaches the end of the line, the program will accept no more input for that command. Apart from the letters, the only characters that are accepted for input are "&" or "'" or ".". You can in- clude numbers in your save game names, otherwise the number keys serve a differnt purpose as described in the next section on special keys. The cursor can always be repositioned at any part of your typed command using the cursor keys. If you notice a misspelling in a command you just typed, use the left arrow to move the cursor to the mistake. Use the backspace or delete key to remove the misspelling and anything you type will be inserted at that point. The program automatically formats the text as you type. Only one space or period is allowed between words. A period is used to separate different commands just as "and" is used. You can type "get book and go east" or "get book.go- east", both work the same way. The program's parser allows for multiple commands, and with some verbs multiple nouns can be used. With "get" or "drop" you can specify "get key and pen" or even "get all but knife". The text window displays a maximum of eight lines at once, when full, a prompt will appear for more. Press any key or the mouse button to scroll the text to the next section. SPECIAL KEYS HELP - The help key displays a brief explanation of what each special key does, much like this section. FUNCTION KEYS The first five function keys (F1-F5) are macros. Press shift with that function key to define the key. These keys are predefined but can be used to store any frequently used commands. When you are defining the function keys most of the other special keys are dormant but the cursor keys will still allow you to edit the text. The previously assigned function for that key will be displayed above the input prompt. To keep the same macro press return without typing anything, otherwise press the return key after you have entered the new function. Pressing function keys F1-F5 will insert that function's macro into the current command, starting at the cursor. If the length of the macro plus the length of the command exceed the maximum size of input, then nothing is added to that command. The other function keys are defined below: F6 - Takes you to the restore game menu. Shift F6 - Takes you to the save game menu. (READ THE RESTORE/SAVE GAME SECTION FOR MORE INFORMATION) F7 - Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the top line. Shift F7 - Clears the line and moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. F8 - Clears the text after the cursor. Shift F8 - Clears the text before the cursor and shifts the remaining text to the beginning of the line. F9 - Moves the cursor to the end of the line. Shift F9 - Moves the cursor to the start of the line. F10 - Turns the graphics on. Shift F10 - Turns the graphics off. CURSOR KEYS The left cursor moves the cursor back one character. Using the shift with the left arrow will move the cursor to the beginning of the current word or the beggining of the last word. The right cursor moves the cursor forward one character. If you are at the end of the current input then the cursor won't move until another character is typed. Pressing shift with this key will cause the cursor to jump to the end of the current word or the beginning of the next word. The right and left cursor keys are also used to select between different objects. If the program isn't sure which object you want to use, for example "iron key or silver key", it will give you a choice between the two objects. Use the cursor keys to switch between the objects and press return when done. Select abort if you don't want to use that command. The up cursor key actsmuch like pressing the first five function keys. But instead of inserting a defined macro it inserts the last command that was followed with a return. So if you make a mistake in typing a command, simply press the up arrow and edit the command. The down cursor key is similar to the up cursor key. It, however, does not insert the last command but erases the line and prints the last commands entered. The second to last command is printed first and by continuously pressing the down arrow the previous five commands are scrolled through. Please note that your current input will be erased when using this key. MISCELLANEOUS KEYS ESC - Allows you to quit your current game and restart. A prompt appears asking if you really want to quit. Just press the "N" key if you accidently pressed escape. TAB - Dims the colors of the screen to half the intensity of the normal palette or returns the palette to normal if it was laready dimmed. This is helpful for reducing eye strain when playing in a dimly lighted room. (.) Turns the sound on/off. (=) Turns the wipes on/off. (') Switches between two available fonts. Imported by Midnight Maniac & Mayday on 15/1-90 H A V E F U N ! ! !